Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Invest in Yourself

It's getting a little ridiculous – all everyone is talking about is their 401Ks and their stock market investments. The financial networks have a 24/7 countdown to the end of the world as we know it. Everyone is awaiting the financial meltdown and anticipating how bad it will get.

Let's face reality -- we can't as individuals do a lot to control the outcome. Other than stuffing money in a mattress or withdrawing money from our 401K to buy a tricked out tri bike; we just don't have a lot of control.

The market is a bit of a gamble – you win some and loose some, hopefully you come out ahead in the end. But there's one other big gamble that we face every day – and we have a lot more control over it. That's our personal wellness.

Think about how much time you spent last week concerning yourself and talking with others about your investments. Did you skip a workout due to financial worries? Are you neglecting your investment in your personal well being?

Take time everyday to increase the value of your most important investment – your health. The stock market is going to recover somewhere down the road. A training session lost can never be recovered.

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