Dammed By the Devil
Well it wasn’t pretty… the Devil took his due
I pulled out of the race at mile 25. The knee just would not hold on for another 25 miles and it was not worth the pain just to see how far it would carry me. Time to have a serious discussion with the surgeon and get this thing fixed. I am putting my race plans on hold until I am healed so I will not be registering for JFK this year.
On the plus side my training worked. I was comfortable with the heat, thanks to the long sauna sessions. I am sure that 6 or 7 more hours in the broiling heat would have baked me a bit but I think I would have endured. Overall, I felt very good after dropping out but the knee was badly swollen and a bit painful. The post race effects were unnoticeable on Saturday but they hit me hard on Sunday while waiting on line at the Bellagio Buffet. I came close to passing out. I think Coach and Ma were more scared that I was when this happened! I still get a bit light headed when I walk more that a few blocks. So, I have been hanging around the hotel with a few excursions across the street to either the MGM of NYNY.
Guess which knee hurts? Hint it is the hairy one
Speaking of Coach and Ma --- They rocked!!!
Ma scored a 1st place in her age group for the 10K!! What a considerable feat being only a few weeks post knee surgery.
Coach was in his element. He was very strong for the entire course despite being handicapped by staying with me for 13 – 14 miles. This probably cost him an extra hour in the heat. He finished a bit baked but he is now desert tested --- Bring on Badwater! I am ready to crew.