Thursday, July 31, 2008

Day 2 Meniscus Update

The knee is doing well. I woke up around 5 a.m. and was a bit sore so I took a Vicoden just to take the edge off. My knee is a bit stiffer this morning but overall I am diong well. The al la carte ice wrap that I purchased at the surgery center has help a lot. It is a bit painful but I am keeping the leg elevated as instructed. The compression bandages has to stay on for 2 more days. Hopefully, things will get more comfortable when it is removed.

Time to raid the fridge.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Six Hour Update

I just completed my 6th hour post surgery survey for the medical study. All is still going very well. I have not needed any pain medicine since leaving the recovery room. All my discomfort is being controled with the ice wraps.

Boredom is already setting in – I am eating everything in sight.

Three Hours Post Surgery

It may be the drugs but I am feeling GREAT!!!!

The meniscus surgery went very well I went into the OR around 9:45 and was coherent in the recovery room at 10:55. The post operative pain was a bit more than I expected and I required 4 doses of IV delivered pain killers. According to the nurse I had a boat load of pain killers on board. After the drugs kicked in I was given a few crackers and a coke and allowed to stabilize. Prior to leaving the Surgery Center the PA prescribed a dose of Vicoden with the instructions to take the meds as needed to stay ahead of the pain.

I met with the Doctor who said that I had a meniscus tear and a bit of wear. We will discuss the details during our follow up visits.

I was then allowed to dress and sent home.

When I arrived home there was a 30 pound package of goodies sent by my co workers. They thought of everything from home baked cookies to Scotch and Guinness! I am truly blessed to work with a great bunch of people. Speaking of great people, I can not say enough about my friends. Last night I received well wishes from Ma Ma Snail and Spinnie. Their heartfelt concerns and well wishes helped me relax and get a good night sleep. Spinnie even offered to bring me my all time favorite vice – a pizza bagle!

I am able to walk without crutches. In fact, I am in better shape than I was in Vegas post my attempt to run the devil.

Two Hours to Meniscus Surgery

I am scheduled to be at the surgery center at 8:45. I am a bit nervous but am looking forward to getting the knee fixed. I feel well but I am thirsty since I have not had anything to eat of drink since dinner last night. Time to get up and showered for the adventures that await me. This is gonna be fun!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Al la Carte Surgery


oday I spent the morning preparing for my surgery. While I am sure that I have a good Surgeon, I have to say that the medical system leaves a lot to be desired in the customer service realm. Ok, we know that you are stressed but here is a bunch of crap for you to do.

First you need to get a physical – or better said a medical history and have your heart listened to and blood pressure checked. That will require an appointment with your doctor. Now, I thought that the surgeon had been to medical school somehow you would think that he or one of his staff could do this pre op work. The AMA must be one strong union! Compounding this illogic practice is the fact that my “personal MD” has decided that he needs more money. He is now demanding a $ 75 a year "office fee" just for the privilege of being one of his patients. I can’t deal with this pay me for doing nothing attitude so I refused to give in to the demand and had my testing done a hospital clinic.

You need to buy crutches and ice bag and bring them to the surgery center. OK, crutches are understandable but when you are spending $ 1000’s for about an hour’s work you would think they could afford an ice pack.

Now the real bummer…. You will need to have your pain medicine for the recovery room. Fifty pills cost $ 15 at your local pharmacy …would it break the budget to just give them to the patient on the day of surgery?

Can you tell that stress is setting in?

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Money, Money, Money!


oday, I spent the afternoon doing my pre op testing for the meniscus repair.

Sometimes you can step in crap but still come out smelling like a rose…

Today was one of those days. I was asked if I wanted to participate in a study centered on meniscus surgery.

Being a scientist, I understand the need to participate in medical research. I thought that I could earn some good karma by filling out a few forms or doing a survey.

Well my willingness to volunteer will be rewarded handsomely with $ 500!

Looks like I have my medical deductible paid with a bit left over for some post surgery splurges.

Life is Good!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Cut Me Doc … Please!

I met with the surgeon today and now have a surgical appointment set for next Wednesday. He says that it is a simple procedure that should be done in less than an hour. He believes that I will have a good recovery with about 8 week until I am able to start running. So I guess the fall marathon season is a washout.

He cautioned me that my return to long distance running is questionable and dependent on how much he has to remove. In his words I could fully return to golf or football but ultra running is a lot more wearing on the joints. I jokingly said I would have to go back to triathlons --- He thought that that would be better that my running.

I need to spend the next week getting my life in order. It looks like I am going to be on the disabled list for the rest of the summer!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Dammed By the Devil

Well it wasn’t pretty… the Devil took his due

I pulled out of the race at mile 25. The knee just would not hold on for another 25 miles and it was not worth the pain just to see how far it would carry me. Time to have a serious discussion with the surgeon and get this thing fixed. I am putting my race plans on hold until I am healed so I will not be registering for JFK this year.

On the plus side my training worked. I was comfortable with the heat, thanks to the long sauna sessions. I am sure that 6 or 7 more hours in the broiling heat would have baked me a bit but I think I would have endured. Overall, I felt very good after dropping out but the knee was badly swollen and a bit painful. The post race effects were unnoticeable on Saturday but they hit me hard on Sunday while waiting on line at the Bellagio Buffet. I came close to passing out. I think Coach and Ma were more scared that I was when this happened! I still get a bit light headed when I walk more that a few blocks. So, I have been hanging around the hotel with a few excursions across the street to either the MGM of NYNY.

Guess which knee hurts? Hint it is the hairy one

Speaking of Coach and Ma --- They rocked!!!

Ma scored a 1st place in her age group for the 10K!! What a considerable feat being only a few weeks post knee surgery.

Coach was in his element. He was very strong for the entire course despite being handicapped by staying with me for 13 – 14 miles. This probably cost him an extra hour in the heat. He finished a bit baked but he is now desert tested --- Bring on Badwater! I am ready to crew.