Saturday, April 12, 2008

I am hurt!

I have been complaining of knee pain for some time, attributing it to old age and running a lot of miles. After Umstead I had some pain and a lot of swelling. The MD at work took a look at it on Tuesday and did not like what she saw. She was a bit concerned and arranged for me to see an orthopedic specialist. Well, it looks like I have a torn meniscus or a real bad sprain. The Orthopedic Surgeon I saw yesterday is 80% sure that it is a torn medial meniscus and will need surgery.

This is going to screw up my summer running plans. Today, I resigned a pacer for the Frederick Marathon and I think the Highland Sky 40 miler is in question. I really hope that my knee is back in shape before The Devil 50 Miler. I really want to do that race.

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