Thursday, March 20, 2008

Taper Time?

I have started to taper off on my runs. I have done 7 miles three times this week followed by a bit of chest and arms strength training. I am having a bit of a problem with my right knee. I think it is time to give it a rest.

All considered I feel pretty good about my upcoming attempt at Umstead. The physical preparation is done. I got all my Hammer product, meds and race gear. I even have a suture kit just in case things get real ugly.

I know that the volunteers and aid station crews at Umstead are known for their hospitality and ability to make you feel welcome like a relative. Of course unlike a relative they won’t hesitate to tell you when you have stayed to long and it is time to hit the road. Thanks in advance for all your hard work!

I am blessed to have an experience ultra runner, coach and friend who has volunteered to be my crew and pacer for this run. I know that he and the rest of my snail friends will do whatever is necessary to help me through 30 hours of fun in the North Carolina woods.

Now it is time to get mentally set. This year, I am going to finish this dam race even if the bone is showing!

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