Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Back to Work

Yesterday was my first day back to work. I started the day with an easy lower body workout at the MAC. The diet must be working since I lost over 5 pounds during my recovery.

The work day was uneventful but tiring. I did not have the energy for an after work visit to the gym.

Time to go...Starbucks is opening. It is going to be a good day!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Bad Omen???

Today is my first day back to work post surgery. The one handed commute into work went fine. When I arrive, I noticed that I left my reading glasses at home so I had to hit the CVS for a new pair of cheaters. Now, for the bad news--- Starbucks us closed!!

It is going to be a bad day.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Visit with the Doc

Today was my first post op visit with the Orthopod. He removed the cast and 19 staples. Everything looks good but it will take most of the summer for recovery. After the exam, I was then sent to the hand clinic to have a removable plastic cast made. The new cast is much lighter but still immobilizes the whole arm. I can remove it for bathing but otherwise must wear it 24/7.

I start physical therapy at Union Memorial on Friday.

Joyfully, I can return to work on Monday.

On the workout front I am limited to walking, recumbent bike and lower body work. Bunz of steel here I come!

Day 2 of the Nutrisystem diet has come and gone. While the portion sizes are small, I still have problems getting it all in. I am toying with adding a serving or two of Hammer protein to aid the healing process.

Cabin Fever

Cabin fever is setting in. I spent the morning reading some technical manuals for work. Afterwards, I took a 2.5 mile round trip walk to the Post Office. I got to get back to work and the gym before I go nutz.

We started Nutrisystems today. I had a stir fried "barf in bowl" steak dinner. The food is ok but the portion size is so small.

I placed Cokes and booze on my list of things to give up for the next three months. So, now I am hurt, bored, hungry, and sober.

What a pathetic life... I am turning into fully tenured resident of Menopause Meadows.

Monday, April 19, 2010

One Week Update

The pain has gotten much better. I went the whole day without taking anything for the pain. Much of the day was spent catching up on my sleep.

The muscles in my hand have contacted into a fist due to atrophy. Extension of the fingers is physically fatiguing and I can "feel the burn" after a mere 10 reps. Tomorrow, I will set the timer on my watch to remind me to do hand stretches every 20 minutes.

The Nutrisystem food arrived today in two big boxes. Hers was around 32 pounds and my box weighed about 42 pounds. I get 28 more snacks --- thank god it is a man's world!

We are committing to stick with the program for 3 months. I need to loose about 25 pounds. As it appears my training will be limited for the summer so I really need to commit to a diet.

The vegetative healing process is getting boring. We see the orthopod in Wednesday, I hope he will allow me to return to work soon.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hurt, Hurt.... HURT!!!

Last night was the first night of semi sleep since the surgery. I can't move an inch without experiencing a new definition of pain. The pain killers have very little effect on the pain. Thank god for Bourbon!

This morning we met the snails for breakfast. I could not get comfortable so we left before ordering. Now, I am sitting in Fx, beer in hand, waiting to get a haircut. I love this place! Good people, providing superior service in a friendly atmosphere... A winning combination in any market.

The Mrs. and I decided that we need some help our diet. We both eat healthily but our portion control needs a bit of help. So, we decided to give nutrisystem a try. The food does not look too bad but we expect to shed a few tears of hunger with the meager portion size. To get primed for this adventure, we are going to one our favorite places tonight for dinner and dessert. Cheesecake ala mode for everybody!

Getting healthy is going to kill me :(

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Elbow Surgery Day Three

God it hurts! I can't sleep and I smell bad.

That being said .... Life is good.

Today, I am vegetating at our condo in Cross Keys AKA Menopause Meadows. Daytime TV is addicting. Maybe it is the oxycontin but, I am becoming a Sponge Bob fan.

Ultra runner to couch potato in three days ... God only knows where I will be if this goes on for 11 more weeks. I need a spinning class now!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Post Surgery Day 2

Last night was a bit rough. I just could not get comfortable and the pain killers would not kick in. I am a lot more mobile than I was with the meniscus but the pain is far greater.

I ended up spending the night dozing in front of mind numbing TV. Today, I am being babysat by my mother. Bring on the comfort food!

Location:Harford Hills Rd,Parkville,United States

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Boo Boo

But it was only a minor fall! One big band aid.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Operation Update

All went very well. The whole team at Union Memorial is first class .

I was a bit sore after the surgery but the nurse was quick to give me the necessary dose of painkiller. After an hour or so I was allowed to dress and go home. I skipped martini Monday and went right to bed aided by a dose of oxycotin.

My greatest blessing has been my loving wife. She has been a rock throughout all my recent problems. Thank god there isn't a marriage lemon law!

Surgery Day

I am scheduled for 2:20 surgery. My plans are to get to the hospital around 11 to relax a bit before my 12 noon prep. If all goes well I will be back home in time for Martini Monday at Donna's.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

One Day to the Knife

I spent yesterday getting things in order off Monday's surgery. In the morning we met the Snails for breakfast. I received some ribbing for my newest injury but the underlying message was one of concern. As I have often said, I am blessed to have the Snails in my life.

After breakfast we went to my Mother's home and did a bit of yard work. Nothing to elaborate, just a bit if clean up and preparing the garden for planting.

The broken arm is very functional, if not for the reduced range of motion and it being black and blue I would not suspect a problem.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Pre Op Medical

Today was spent doing the pre op testing in preparation for Monday's procedure. Unfortunately, this has become routine for me. I can recite my vitals form memory to the amazement of the examiner.

The remainder of the day was spent getting my life in order since I will be spending the rest of the summer in some sort of cast.

The arm has taken on a nice purple hue.

It doesn't hurt but it is a bit ugly!

Location:Cross Keys Rd,Baltimore,United States

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I Need Surgery

The season is lost.

Stupid is as a Stupid Falls

I went for a short run on Monday and fell about a mile into the run. Got up .. Nothing hurt and finished the rest of the run. At home I noticed a golf ball sized lump on my elbow. I iced it and went out to dinner. The minor pain was quickly quelled by Martini Monday.

The next day I asked the PA at work to look at my boo boo. He told me to call the Orthopod.

This morning I went to the MD. Guess what -- I have a broken elbow! I have a MRI this afternoon to see if I need surgery.

Oh shi¥!!!

P.s. To my family --- we are not telling mom