Last night was the first night of semi sleep since the surgery. I can't move an inch without experiencing a new definition of pain. The pain killers have very little effect on the pain. Thank god for Bourbon!
This morning we met the snails for breakfast. I could not get comfortable so we left before ordering. Now, I am sitting in Fx, beer in hand, waiting to get a haircut. I love this place! Good people, providing superior service in a friendly atmosphere... A winning combination in any market.
The Mrs. and I decided that we need some help our diet. We both eat healthily but our portion control needs a bit of help. So, we decided to give nutrisystem a try. The food does not look too bad but we expect to shed a few tears of hunger with the meager portion size. To get primed for this adventure, we are going to one our favorite places tonight for dinner and dessert. Cheesecake ala mode for everybody!
Getting healthy is going to kill me :(