Here is our group at mile 11. Looking strong!
I stated to plan my 2011 season. So far I have the Shamrock Marathon and Ironman Texas on the books. Looking to do a 1/2 IM in the fall and, of course, a return to Baltimore for the 10th time.
With one week to Umstead, I continue to be plagued by Ummie's curse. I have been having GI issues since the Baltimore Marathon. After much prodding, poking, ultrasounds and CAT scans, and under duress, I submitted to an upper and lower GI endoscopy. The preparation was not the most enjoyable experience but it was something that I endured. The exam was easy because I was under general anesthesia. As far as the lower GI everything was OK. When the Doc looked at the upper he found a bunch of ulcers.
"You are an Ultra runner with bad knees… how much ibuprofen do you take?" I refused to answer by evoking my Fifth Amendment rights. But lesson learned. I will need to find something else to carry me through the mile from now on.
I had my 3000 mile check up with the Orthopod. There are three options for the knee –
I took the easy way out and went with the shot. After all it is race season. The shot was fairly quick and painless. I am to take 5 days off from running. Time to get back in the pool!
The Doc cautioned me that inactivity is the worst thing I can do. After the 5 days, I need to get on a strict weight routine for the legs. Rock hard Quads are needed to put off further damage.
Umstead is only 11 day away. Oh well at least one knee will feel good.
I met with the doctor last Wednesday. Here is a synopsis of our conversation-
How do you feel?
That's the way you should feel. You hormone levels have crashed. You need to get a MRI right away. I suspect that you may have a growth on your pituitary. We may need to refer you to a neurosurgeon.
I spent Friday having blood work and a MRI. The Radiologist gave me the films on disk. I can't see anything unusual other than a deviated septum. But, it has been years since my Gross Anatomy class. Need to wait to see what the guy with a MD say.
Ummie's Curse has come early this year.
It has been a long time since I posted here. A lot has happened.
During the last few months I have been dealing with some medical issues that have resulted in significant weight gain and loss of fitness. I am still working out 6+ hours a day but have been unable to drop the weight. I have had some lab work done and have a meeting with an endocrinologist this week.
My racing plans are tentative but I have registered for the Unsteady 100, Labor of love 100, Disney half iron and the Louisville Ironman.
Stay tuned