It is beginning to look like Christmas – thankfully it is almost over!
Well Christmas is almost here and I just don’t have the spirit. I haven’t sent a single card, opened any of the cards I have received, gone to any of the parties, or bought any presents except for my younger nephews and nieces. Lacking a family of my own has caused me to really dislike the whole Christmas thing.
Enough of the gloom – After Christmas comes the happiest time of the year for an ego centric ultra runner with a love for Vegas. We are only 10 day from the Running from an Angel! I only have to run 50 miles of penance to pre pay for a week of sinning in Las Vegas! For me the finish line is not boulder beach… it is my first Scotch on the rocks at a steak house following the race!
I did a very cold 12 miler yesterday morning followed by a Spinning class. In the evening I did another Spinning class, a half hour of stretching and a glorious 40 minutes in a 200 degree sauna. It felt soooo gooooood. I am still not doing enough in the pool. I got to get motivated or the triathlon season is going to be a painful experience. I am taking today off to get a massage and hair cut, Tomorrow the gym has stupid hours of 8 to 1 so this pretty much blows the workout for the day. The way things are working out I wont have a session with the Trainer or Swim Coach for nearly three weeks. Nothing like a forced taper!
Speaking of triathlons, I am being lured further and further into the cult by all the shiny, geeky toys that is see advertised. I want them all! I want an bicycle, a tri suit, a power meter, a fancy set of wheels, a new helmet, a wet suit …. Please Santa, I have not been that bad! Maybe I better count on getting a few good cards in Vegas to pay for my rebirth as a triathlete.