Thursday, May 29, 2008

It has been a while since I have posted anything here. My remorse over my DNF at Umstead is mostly gone. I may try another 100 sometime later this year if my knee heals.

Blame the lack of attention to the blog on mostly on laziness and a big push in training for the Devil run. Check out the race web site

The Race Director is great and the volunteers are truly dedicated to the runners.

Over the last few weeks, I have been having problems with my right knee. I think we will be doing the surgery route very soon but I am trying to make it through the Devil first.

Training is going well. I am doing a daily 10 miler followed by a 30 -45 minute stay in the sauna. My night training has been 2 hours on the elliptical and a 1 hour weight workout. My plans are to do back to back 15 milers on Saturday and Sunday.

I have all my heat gear for the run. Industrial Hygiene principles meet ultra running. Science meets stupidity… Geek vs jock … Which face of Jim will win?

I am really looking forward to Vegas. I consider it sort of a second home and probably spend 4-5 weeks there a year not to mention more that a few red eye weekend getaways! Coach will be doing the 50 miler with me. I use the term “with” loosely meaning that we will run the same course on the same day since his walk is way faster than my run. Ma is planning to do the half marathon if all goes well. I am happy to have their company for some of my time in Vegas. I will show them a good time. But, of course, I won’t lead them into too far into the dark side. I will have enough time for debauchery after they return to Baltimore.

I had the pleasure of crewing for a friend at the MMT 100. His drive and determination is admirable. Coach was there to keep him focused and 10 Snails were on hand for moral support. This has to be an all time record ratio for runner to crew and pacers. Peter finished the 102 miles with a smile and immediately thanked his pacer and crew.

Peter finishing the MMT 100 run. Ma in foreground, Carrie, Coach and yours truly in background

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