Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Louisville Isa Coming!

The Triathlon curse almost got me. I had to skip louisville last year due to family issues. I broke my elbow weeks before the Orlando 1/2 IM.

Since Christmas, I have been having stomach problems. I think it was newlywed cooking but decided to seek medical advice. I have been poked, scanned, x-rayed, nuked, and have have had tubes shoved in every orifice(including those that God designed to be a one way exit only). Nothing was found to be wrong. Below is my complete medical file-

Fast forward to last Friday... I got an urgent call from the Doctor that he needed to see me right away. All test were ok but get in here asap!

When we arrived he did some questioning and poking ... "you have a hot gallbladder... Get a scan ... I will arrange surgery."

To this my ever supportive wife wanted to know if I could do an IM in a month. Much to her relief he said no.

Well, Doc-- I passed the test, my gallbladder is A-Ok. You can do any further test at my autopsy. Louisville make way for one back of the packer. A Snail is going to toe the line!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Weight loss

Exactly 10 pounds in one month! Goal is 10 more before Louisville IM and an additional 10 before the Baltimore Marathon.

Nutrisystems and Muscle Milk are my friends.

Stay away from me Ben and Jerry.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Splish Splash

Today I repeated the Tuesday triple and added a pool workout. It was only a few hundred yards of flailing in a mostly forward direction but for a first workout I will count it as a victory. God, I am in deep doo.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tuesday Triple

Well I didn't make it in to the pool as planed but it was a productive workout day. I hit the streets of Charm City at 3:20 am for a ten mile run to Ft. McHenry and got back to the MAC in time for a salt pill and Ensure breakfast before the 5:30 opening. I them did my standard 99 minutes on the stair master before going to work. After work I took the easy way out and reverted to my old standby 99 min on the stair master. I need more time, there is not enough hours in the day to train, work, and have a family life.

It is a challenge don't train enough or train too much ... Either way you end up roadkill.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Nine Weeks to Louisville

We are nine weeks from the 17 hour land- sea tour of Louisville. I am no where near trained for this event but that has never stopped me before. On Thursday I when to the tri shop and had a bike fitting. Friday was a 50 mile mountain bike ride on the NCR trail and Saturday was a 10 mile run at Lock Raven @ sub 10 min/mile.

Tomorrow will be a easy run / bike / run workout. Then we are back in the pool for survival training.

God this is going to hurt!