Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Last Orthopod Visit

I had my last appointment with the elbow doc today and I have been released to do what I want. Oh shit, that means I have no excuse for not getting into the pool. I have eight weeks to IM Louisville so I need to start survival training.

God watches over fools and children...let's hope he is not too busy on 8/29/2010!

Tomorrow I have a appointment for a bike fitting. Usually I would do this myself but I don't have time for trial and error. Friday will be a long ride and Saturday will be a 14 mile run.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

I'm Back!

Yesterday was my first Snail run in about 6 months. I kept it short with a 6 miler doing 10 min miles. Everything held together well.

Knees - Ok
Back -Ok
Shoulder -Ok
Elbow- Ok

After the run, while I waited for the other to finish, I installed a bike rack on the Element. The Thule rack went on without a problem. Once everyone finished the run, we went to breakfast. The place was too crowded for comfort.

After breakfast, I went to the gym for a short workout and shower.

Now that I am back in the game, I need to put the final touches on my racing plans. Being a total idiot, I am going for the IM Louisville in August. I have a international distanced tri in September. Baltimore, Harrisburg, NCR marathons. I also plan to do a 50 miler in November.

Next year I am looking at the new IM Texas in May.

On the weight loss front, I am about 25 pounds lighter than I was in January. Still have about 20 pounds to go but we are on our way.