The elbow continues to heal. I had my 5 week post surgery visit with the Orthopod last week. Everything looks good and I can stop wearing the splint! I still need to go to PT twice a week to wok on flexibility and strength. I got the ok to start back with running but don't do anything to impact the elbow. I plan to hold off for another week on the runs and then start back wearing elbow pads.
The nutrisystem is working well. I am about 14 pounds lighter than when I started. I am at a conference this week so I expect to gain some weight due to diet and lack of exercise.
I love my Profession, but I don't enjoy the company of other IHs. Too anal for me. "Let's see if X angels can dance on a head of a pin ... That means that they could be inhaled and deposited in the lungs. We need to write a white paper on this critical exposure". Get a life and a tan!
The conference is in Denver. What an amazing city, clean, fresh, healthy. The 16th Street pedestrian area is ingenious. WTF can't Baltimore do something like this? Denver must have a more law abiding population. How long would a public bicycle stand last in Baltimore. Not to mention how many cyclist would be killed for the crime of being on a public highway!
I took a class on meth lab cleanup yesterday. These labs are everywhere -- I may start a company to get in on this market.
Why should criminals be the only ones to make money?